District Wellness Consulting

District and School Site Wellness Consulting

While the educational branch of MindfullyU has traditionally focused on students, we have come to recognize that in order to effectively support students, the emotional and mental health of our educators must also be addressed. According to the Department of Education, nearly 50% of new teachers leave education within the first 5 years due to job dissatisfaction, emotional fatigue and stress. Even more veteran teachers report high levels of job dissatisfaction and stress. With the costs associated with teacher retention and personnel leading district budget expenses, it is crucial that we look at a more holistic, human approach to supporting educators.  By investing in the social emotional wellness of their employees, school and districts will realize a greater return on their investment in the form of happier, more engaged employees, which in turn will translate into greater support for their students.


Working with pioneers in the field of mindfulness based education, we’ve created assessments and programs that reach not only the teachers, but your entire school and district staff. Our unique approach is designed to help schools and districts cultivate a sustainable and intentional approach to employee wellness; decreasing teacher burnout and increasing a positive and supportive climate and culture. The end result is in developing teachers who are more personally balanced, emotionally available and capable of helping our students.

Teacher Wellness


Once the needs of the school or district are assessed and identified, we match trainings, workshops and personalized coaching sessions for employees that focus on implementing  life-long skills in mindfulness, stress reduction, self efficacy, holistic health, and more. To maintain program sustainability, we assist in creating community partnerships that celebrate and nourish educators and their wellbeing. As a result of our programs, educators have tools that better equip them to manage the intense demands of their careers, and districts benefit from improved employee satisfaction, increase teacher retention, and subsequently, attract quality applicants to their site and district.

Over 40% of teachers leave the profession within their first five years of teaching due to feelings of dissatisfaction and overwhelm. As a result districts nationwide are paying over 2.2 billion dollars per year in teacher turnover.

Teacher Professional Development and In Service Trainings

Teacher Training

Designed with the individual needs of the teachers and schools in mind, MindfullyU will work to find the perfect fit. Whether directed toward a general mindfulness overview, Emotional Poverty Inc, team building, or mindfulness in the classroom for behavior modification and RTI, MindfullyU will design a training that fits any need.



+1 (805) 258-1961


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